Friday, February 17, 2017

Donald Trump’s House of Wonders!

Step right up! Into the tent!
No! No! No! Not you! You’re bent!
No blacks, browns and Mexicans too!
Oh, don’t shy away girl, it’s free for you!

Come in, we're building the greatest ever wall!
Paid for, by my neighbor, and so tall!
Set your eyes upon it and wonder!
For it’s a work of art, not a blunder!

I also have a lion, who acts like a dog!
And a grown man, who squeals like a hog!
An ugly witch, who lies through her teeth!
And a fiend, whose sight’ll make you seethe!

Inside you’ll find that everything’s best!
Why? Cause I say it’s better than the rest!
Don’t believe me? You will before long!
Because it’s true friend, I’m never wrong!

What is it you say? You can prove otherwise?
You believe the words I’ve just said are lies?
I’ll say you’re a sore loser who just overreacts!
Cause as the witch says, mine are ‘Alternative Facts’!

So step on in and grab seats in a row!
While me and my gang put on a show!
Trust me when I say, this is the most fun you’ll ever know!
We’re just getting started, and there are four more years to go!

- Kartik Shastry

Monday, August 15, 2016

At Heaven’s Gate

This is a poem about two men,
Who died and went to heaven,
And as they waited at the gate,
For St. Peter to judge their fate,
Standing together, in the dock,
To kill time, they began to talk.
“My odds of getting in are slim.”
Said the one called Tricky Jim.
“I’ve lied and thieved, all my life.
Hell! I even cheated on my wife!
And all the while, I enjoyed it too.
Why would they ever let me through?”
“Your odds aren’t as bad as mine.”
Said the one called Mr. Swine.
“But honestly, I just don’t care!
I already know I’m not getting in there.”
By the other’s conviction, irked, just a tad,
Jim asked, “What did you do that was so bad?”
“I’m a lawyer” said Mr. Swine with a frown
Jim said “Buddy, you win this one hands down.”

-Kartik Shastry 

Friday, March 25, 2016

...And They Listen

He struts to the podium, with a smirk on his face
His portentous persona, utterly devoid of grace

He reads the crowd well, and so knows what to say
A greedy guide, who has led his flock astray

And it shocks me, to watch this lot cheer
His revolting sermon, of hatred and fear

I know that these do not make a great nation, greater
And he who disagrees, is likely a bigot and a traitor

But how reason by so many, is so easily forsaken
My faith in humanity, now stands utterly shaken

Yet, I continue to hope, that he miserably fails
And that common sense, eventually prevails

-Kartik Shastry

Monday, February 1, 2016

The Monster Within Me

There’s a monster within me,
Who doggedly gnaws and scrapes
At the very innards of my being,
The prison of my docility, to escape

Knowing that patience has its limits,
I try my best to keep it chained
But the number of fools around me,
Ensure that the binds remain strained

As it feeds on my stowed wrath,
It keeps growing ever stronger
And I get this foreboding sense,
My control may not last much longer

And the moment, the chains break
I'll become a slave to the monster inside,
My body, left a mere husk,
By the monster’s will, shall abide

I may seem mad for writing this verse
But it's the only way I can make you see
'Cause believe me, when I tell you this,
No one fears this monster more than me

- Kartik Shastry

Friday, November 20, 2015

No Adieu

It isn't easy for me to let go.
Believe me, I mean every word I say.
Forced by life, I've made a choice though,
Which makes it impossible for me to stay.

Maybe, I’ll move on to better places.
Yet, it will never feel the same as this.
New surroundings and different faces,
Everything about here, I shall truly miss.

But to the old ones and the new,
I’d say, that this world is small indeed.
So I will not, for now, be bidding adieu.
All you have to do is call me, whenever you need.

And do think of me once in a while.
Reminisce all the good times we’ve had.
If someday my memory, makes you smile,
Know, that somewhere, thinking of you, I’m just as glad.

- Kartik Shastry

Sunday, November 1, 2015


Let us remember the battle of Saragarhi,
And that one fateful September day,
When a vast sea of Pashtun warriors,
Was, by a handful of Sikhs, held at bay.

Greatly outnumbered, though they were,
And knew that an option was flight,
Each of the one and twenty Sikhs,
Willingly resolved, to stand and fight.

And while brave, in their own right,
The Pashtuns, misjudged the Sikh men,
Several proceeding to their slaughter,  
Like lambs entering a lion’s den.

As wave upon wave, crashed against the post,
Threats and offers, in plenty, were made,
Yet, so resilient was the defenders' will,
Until the end, they remained unswayed.

With courage, as their one true master,
And honor, as their steadfast guide,
They faced their enemy with fervor,
And died for their principles with pride.

Aware all along, how the odds were stacked,
Instead of fleeing they chose to succumb,
And through a show of their unparalleled valor,
Taught history, how legends, men become.

 - Kartik Shastry 

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Unconscionable Advice or The Purported Unimportance of Choice

Each moment of existence,
From waking to slumber
Is replete with choices,
Of an umpteen number

Ranging from significant,
To the utterly mundane
From evoking happiness,
To provoking disdain

And constantly we bother
About choosing what’s best
As though, this life
Is a continuous test

Having thought about it,
Very hard for very long
I, for one, am convinced,
No choice is right or wrong

For, what is wrong or right,
But a notion in one’s mind?
Never black or white,
But a grey streak, ill defined

Certainly, some choices,
Do cause suffering and pain
But it’s hard to ignore,
That each loss heralds a gain

So, though you make your choices
And your choices make you,
“How you choose doesn’t matter”
Is also equally true

- Kartik Shastry